Is Romney Out of Touch, Or What?

The wooden man, Willard Romney, actually said this at a recent appearance at Otterbein University:

“This kind of devisiveness, this attack of success, is very different than what we’ve seen in our country’s history. We’ve always encouraged young people: Take a shot, go for it, take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents, start a business.”

Of course we know that worked out very well for Mittens, but for virtually every other American who wasn’t born into the 1 percent, starting a business when you’re already tens of thousands of dollars in debt for student loans, whose parents are increasingly struggling just to get by, and you can’t find a job, it isn’t exactly an option.
And not everyone’s parents has a trust fund to hand them, nor the money to send to Harvard without incurring any debt or having to work to pay the cost of the education.

My Photo Blog

Don’t forget to click over to my new blog, if you would like to see some examples of my fifty plus years of photographic experience. I try to mix things up with current photos and scans from older vintage photos and slides. A good mixture of digital photos and film-based work from the pre-digital age as well. My interests in topic are varied, and I hope, interesting, at least some of the time. Give it a try and if you like, book mark it or just check back from time to time, and leave some comments so I know what people like and don’t like.

Tide Detergent May Cause Cancer

Tide detergent may do more than just clean your clothes. It may also expose you to a cancer-causing chemical, according to the New York Times .

Tests run by the environmental group, Women’s Voices for the Earth, found a cancer-causing chemical called dioxane in Tide Free and Gentle and Tide Original Scent .

Representatives of Procter and Gamble, which produces Tide, say the amounts of dioxane are not harmful.

“What’s most appalling is that Tide Free & Gentle is marketed to moms as a healthier choice for their children’s laundry. Yet infants and children are more vulnerable to chemical exposures because their immune, neurological, and hormone systems are still developing,” said a message on the Women’s Voices for the Earth website .

While there are no federal limits on what constitutes safe levels of dioxane, the Environmental Protection Agency says that dioxane may cause cancer in lab rats.

A Procter and Gamble toxicologist says the amount of the chemical in Tide is well below the safety risk level. “We are many, many levels of magnitude below the levels that are considered any level of safety risk,” said Tim Long, a toxicologist for the company.

This is not P&G’s first run-in with dioxane. In 2010, the company changed the formula of its Herbal Essence shampoo line to reduce or eliminate dioxane.

Environmental and health advocacy groups have asked Procter and Gamble to change Tide’s formula. Women’s Voices for the Earth has started a petition on its website calling for a formula change.