Emergency Power for Smartphone and More

Hand-Turbine-FRXDuring an emergency, our only line out to help is our phone. We use it to call the police, family, or friends in a time of need, so it’s rather important for it to be charged. If the power is knocked out, you’re going to need a new way to charge your device so you can check in with everyone.

The American Red Cross FRX3 is a hand turbine weather alert radio as well as a smartphone charger. It receives AM/FM/weather band, has an audio input, LED flashlight, solar panel, and a glow-in-the-dark locator. There’s a headphone jack, and it can charge smartphones through a USB port. Cranking for a minute will yield enough power to make a 30-second emergency phone call. It only costs around $56, and could be pretty useful to have around.

It puts a whole new meaning into the term “crank calls.”

Foods You Should Be Eating for Proper Alkaline Balance and General Health

Almonds consistently rank on the list of healthiest foods to eat, so it’s no wonder that they’re also an alkaline food. They’ve also been linked to increased muscle gain, a lowering of cholesterol levels, and are able to assist with fat loss. You don’t have to eat a lot of almonds in order to enjoy their benefits, but they do make a great snack that you can take anywhere and can help you between meals.

Artichokes are often seen on top of salads, or used in a dip, but there are a number of reasons why you can bring them to the forefront of your diet. One of those reasons is their alkalinity, helping to raise your body’s pH levels. They’re also full of antioxidants, help to purify the liver, and aid in digestion. So having a salad with leafy greens and topped with a hearty amount of artichokes is a great idea.

Here’s a leafy green that’s worth getting to know. Arugula is often used as part of a detox diet plan, and the fact that it’s an alkaline food is a big part of that. This is full of Vitamin A and has an impressive amount of calcium in it as well. We usually associate dairy products with calcium, but here is a non-dairy way to make sure you’re getting enough.

Asparagus has an alkaline effect on the body, and it just so happens that it’s one of the strongest foods you can eat in terms of alkalinity. Each food is ranked according to how alkaline it is, and asparagus is one of the “big dogs”. But it brings a lot more than that to the table, including antioxidants, nutrients, and plenty of detoxifying qualities. It’s even been noted that asparagus has anti-aging benefits, which is enough for most people to start adding more of it to their menu.

Avocado & Avocado Oil
It’s no surprise that avocado is on our list of alkaline foods. It’s managed to make it onto our list of superfoods as well, so you know it’s packing a nutritional punch. Avocados are high in potassium as well as healthy fat, so in addition to helping you be more alkaline, you’re getting other perks as well. You can also use avocado oil in favor of other oils that don’t provide any alkaline benefit, or worse are acid-forming in the body.

This is a quintessential healthy food and it’s easy to understand that it’s an alkaline food. Broccoli is one of those vegetables that has so much going on you simply have to make an extra effort to get more of it into your system. Some people eat broccoli every day as a way to maintain good health and make sure they’re on the alkaline side. You at least want to eat it multiple times a week, with 3 or 4 times being a good rule of thumb.

Brussels Sprouts
Maybe you left your Brussels sprouts on your plate untouched as a child, but it’s time to get over it and learn to like these healthy vegetables. They’ve been shown to be able to help the body break down the acids caused by acid-forming foods, which boosts your pH levels and helps you get to or maintain an alkaline state. In addition to that, they’re also packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, so they make a great side dish to any meal. It’s best to buy them fresh and steam them.

Buckwheat gets mentioned a lot in health food circles because it doesn’t contain wheat, but has a similar texture when it’s in noodle form. Great for gluten-free followers. It’s also an alkaline food, so you can eat it without worrying if it will be acidic in your system. It’s also a surprisingly good source of protein, and has a decent amount of iron in it as well. If you’ve never used buckwheat in your cooking before, there are plenty of recipes available to get your feet wet.

If you don’t like the taste of cabbage, keep an open mind. It could be that you just haven’t found a good recipe for it. It’s really easy to cook cabbage poorly, so give it another try if it’s on your Do Not Eat list. In addition to its alkalinity, it’s also been shown to be very effective in preventing as well as reversing certain cancers. Add to it the fiber content, and the low caloric load, and it’s a winner for just about every diet out there.

Carrots are good for the eyes, but their overall effect is also an alkaline one. This makes them doubly good to eat, and they are tasty both raw, and steamed so they’re easier to chew up. Aside from the assist to the eyes, carrots also have plenty of vitamins, fiber, and potassium, making them a very well-rounded veggie. So make like Bugs Bunny and be sure to get your carrot fix every now and then.

Cauliflower is in the same vegetable family as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, and shares many of the same healthy characteristics, including being an alkaline food. It has a good amount of fiber, and it’s a great non-fruit source of Vitamin C. It’s also very easy to prepare, but to keep as much of its alkaline nature as possible, eat it raw on salads or steam it until it’s tender and easy to eat.

Here’s a heavy hitter that you’ll want to keep a stock of in your refrigerator. It’s alkaline, and contains so much water that it’s a very hydrating vegetable. Keep the peels on for the best results, but if that’s just too much for you one way to split the difference is to just peel strips of the peel off, creating a sort of pinwheel effect. this not only adds to the presentation but also makes it healthier for you.

Cumin is one of those spices that you either have in your home, or you don’t, depending on the type of food you’re used to cooking. If you already use it often, just keep it up, but if you’re not too familiar with it, it’s time to add it to your cart the next time you’re out shopping. It’s a spice that can actually help your body neutralize the acidic foods you eat, which means that it’s going to have a doubling effect when used in conjunction with vegetables and other alkaline foods.

You’ll just have to get over the fact that this is considered a pesky weed in most lawns. The flower and the root are both very nutritious, and while it may take a bit of effort to start incorporating it into meals, it’s worth it. It’s an alkaline food, no doubt, and also has a detoxifying effect on the body. One other major bonus is that it can help to lower your blood pressure, so much so that it found its way onto our list of foods that help lower blood pressure.

Garlic has long been known to be a cleansing food, and one that can add flavor to a meal, but it also helps if you’re trying to follow an alkaline diet. It’s a big help in fighting cancer, or staving it off, and also helps to lower blood pressure. It also helps to detoxify the body, so you’re getting multiple benefits just by adding more garlic to the mix. Try stir frying alkaline vegetables with a couple of cloves of garlic.

Ginger is a root that is becoming more popular as more people realize all of its health benefits. Ginger is a superfood, and has plenty of detoxing properties. It’s also an alkaline food, so it’s something that you can add to a meal and know that it’s only helping it to be alkaline for you.

Here’s a superstar food that shows up all over the place. It’s a superfood, it helps to lose weight by boosting your metabolism, and it’s even been dubbed one of the healthiest foods on Earth. So what else can this wonderkid do? Turns out it’s also alkaline. Its low sugar count makes this a fruit you can enjoy, even though it may taste sour and acidic, it has an alkalizing effect on the body once consumed.

You’ve just gotta jump on board the kale train, because it has so many health benefits you’re really missing out on if you don’t. Often brought up in the same sentence as spinach and other leafy greens, kale knocks it out of the park when it comes to its array of vitamins and minerals. Consider its hefty supply of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, and then add to it that you’re getting a calcium top-up, fighting cancer, and getting more fiber.

This is a surprising entry on our list because your mouth may be puckering by just reading the word lemon. It’s so sour and tastes so acidic that many believe this must be acid forming. On the contrary, it produces an alkaline response by the body, and it’s very low in sugar so it’s not going to set you back the way sweet fruits do. It also has a cleansing effect on the digestive system, as well as a good dose of Vitamin C so it’s good to use more of it each day.

Lima Beans
Lima beans are a rich source of iron, which is why they’re popular for vegetarians and vegans. They’re also packing a good amount of Vitamin C, giving you more than half of what you need for the day without having to resort to eating citrus fruits like oranges. Another nice benefit is that they’re alkaline-forming once eaten, so they can act to counter other acidic foods, or help keep you grounded on the alkaline column.

Navy Beans
Navy beans and other white beans make the list because they are well utilized by the body, and are on the alkaline side of the equation. They have an impressive amount of iron, contain a good amount of fiber, and are a low-glycemic food, so they help prevent spikes in your blood glucose levels. They’re also a very versatile food, and show up in several recipes in the form of side dishes, or mixed with other ingredients in a vegetarian main course.

Onions are an alkaline food that you may already eat on a regular basis. You just want to make sure that you’re eating them in conjunction with other alkaline-forming foods, and not using them as toppings for hamburgers and hot dogs. Saute them in olive oil and you’ll increase the alkalinity, but don’t overcook them. Onions are a staple in many recipes, just be sure to use fresh onions so you can get the most benefit from them.

No matter the color, you’ll be helping yourself stay alkaline. Both red, yellow, and green peppers each keep your pH levels up. They’re also very easy to cook with, and taste great fresh. If you do end up cooking them, they stir fry up nicely with onions and garlic, in just a little olive oil. Like many of the foods on this list they have multiple benefits, being a great source of Vitamin C, and also a decent source of Vitamin A.

You just can’t go wrong with radishes, they’ve been shown to help fight cancer, while improving your digestion and preventing heart disease. They have a detoxifying effect on the body and can help regulate both blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Add to that the fact that they help keep your body alkaline. The one thing that may be stopping you is the taste, but there are plenty of ways to cook them up, or add alkaline herbs to them.

Red Beans
Most commonly found in stores as kidney beans, the different types of red beans are all considered alkaline, and deserve a place on your plate. What’s more, they’re also just a plain healthy food for you no matter what you’re trying to achieve. They’ll boost your iron levels, have a good amount of calcium, and are a surprising source of Vitamin C. Add to that their fiber levels to aid in digestion, and their boost to weight loss efforts and they’re golden.

Here’s an alkaline powerhouse that you’re probably already very familiar with. Spinach is the leafy green that is most notorious for its health benefits, and it doesn’t really matter what form you eat it in, you’ll be helping your body go alkaline. One of the best ways we’ve found is to buy baby spinach and use it as a base for a salad. Since there are so many alkalizing vegetables it’s super easy to concoct a salad that will send your pH levels rising.

Sweet Potato
Many people erroneously believe that starchy foods are acid forming, which is why they’re surprised to find sweet potatoes and new potatoes on the list. But whether a food is acid forming or alkaline forming is determined by how the body breaks it down once it’s consumed, and in this case it’s alkaline. You also get the other benefits of sweet potatoes in addition to their great taste, including a good amount of fiber, and a healthy dose of Vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant.

What can’t tomatoes do? They’ve got plenty of lycopene in them, as well as antioxidants, and they’ve been shown to help the heart and help us to live long and happy lives. In addition to that they’re an alkaline forming food. Just one more reason to start eating more tomatoes. Even though you might think of a tomato as being acidic because it can trigger the same sour taste buds as a lemon, it is not acid forming, and instead actually helps to raise your body’s overall pH.

Denny Dent Paints John Lennon

Denny Dent was a performance artist who painted speed-painted thousands of portraits of famous people, mostly musicians, but also presidents and other notable people. Dent received up to $25,000 for each appearance where he would typically paint on a six foot canvas as music played to accompany his frenzied style of painting. He painted with three or more brushes in each hand, and even used his hands without brushes to complete portraits in as little as four minutes, and seldom more than ten or twelve minutes.

Here is a performance example of him painting John Lennon while accompanied by the Beatles’ tune, “A Day In the Life” in less than five minutes.